Looking for Neck Pain Specialists in Towson, Maryland?

Looking for Neck Pain Specialists in Towson, Maryland?

Chiropractic Towson MD Woman With Neck Pain

If you've experienced neck pain, you know that "a pain in the neck" is no small thing. Neck pain can make even the simplest of movements involving the neck, head, arms, shoulders, and back excruciatingly difficult and painful. It can lead to headaches and difficulty using your body. Immobility resulting from neck pain can cause the muscles to become weak and to degenerate over time. At Kalkstein Chiropractic, we're neck pain specialists and we can relieve neck pain quicker than you might think.

Meredith came to us with intense neck pain and a significantly decreased range of motion. As a result of her treatment, the pain Meredith was experiencing is gone and her range of motion has gotten much better. During this particular visit, we worked on the stiffness in Meredith's neck.

Although the neck is a relatively small area of the body, it is composed of quite complicated structures which do the important job of holding your head up. The small size of the vertebrae of the neck allows for a lot of mobility, but can also make the neck more vulnerable to injury and pain.

Some of the most common causes of neck pain include:

  • Trauma, such as whiplash
  • Sleeping position
  • Poor posture
  • Repetitive stress
  • Abnormalities in the bone structure
  • Joint issues
  • Muscle strains and pulls

Most of these issues are either caused by or impact, the alignment of the spine. When muscles in the neck go into spasm, the spine gets pulled out of alignment. When the spine is misaligned, the nerves become irritated and cause further tension and other systemic problems. Because every nerve in the body has its root in the spinal column, issues that have their source at the neck can have a major impact throughout every other system.

Many people let spinal problems go uncorrected. They hope that if they wait long enough the pain will simply go away. While it's true that in some cases the pain will go away, the misalignment that caused the problem is usually still there. Over time, that area can become aggravated, and the pain can return. If the problem is not corrected it can become much more serious.

People often try to deal with their neck pain using prescription or over-the-counter medications. This may help to relieve the symptoms in the short-term, but not only are patients dealing with side effects, the underlying issue goes unaddressed. Our focus is on treating the underlying issue as well as the pain so the pain is less likely to come back in the future.

Neck Pain Specialists in Maryland

As neck pain specialists, we have a wide range of treatment techniques and modalities that we can use to treat your neck pain and help you feel better quickly. We carefully choose our techniques based on the individual patient and what they need. Whether your neck pain is the result of a car accident, an injury, or if it just showed up one day, we can help you feel better faster with a customized treatment plan.

If you're dealing with neck pain and want to feel better ASAP and you're in the Baltimore area, click here or call us at (410) 296-7700 to schedule your appointment at our Towson, Maryland office! We can help you get relief from neck pain quickly so you can get back to living your life pain-free.




7:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

7:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

7:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

7:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

7:30am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Kalkstein Chiropractic

200 E Joppa Rd #300
Towson, MD 21286

(410) 296-7700